
Royal Conservatoire Antwerp
Course of advanced improvisation, orchestral reduction & general practical harmony. Tonal improvisation in classical, romantic & early contemporary styles. Methodology: practical application of concepts of developing variation; learning music by ear; playing together with mp3,...
3 years of initial practical harmony & improvisation training during bachelor-programme (schemata, rule of the octave, preluding, transposition); fundamentals of harmony & counterpoint);
1.3 The student can take on a leading role in an ensemble. Under supervision, the student can perform reductions and score playing in different styles and genres (e.g. string quartet, choir, orchestra, etc.). Under supervision, the student can perform a transposition from different styles and genres (using repeated chord progressions - from chaconne to jazz standard). Under supervision, the student can improvise in different styles using modes, chord progressions, motivic development, free from style clichés, free in combination with another discipline (dance, theatre). The student reads figured (and unfigured) basses from literature (= real music). Under supervision, the student can play a sonata together with a melody instrument, without writing down the figuration. 2.3 The student can process musical structures through analysis and interpretation. The student links the analytical skills to the subject content and skills within the subject Advanced Musicianship Piano. Under supervision, students apply the acquired skills and knowledge in their daily music practice and study. The student acquires knowledge of and insight into more complex forms and structures within the components prima vista, reduction, transposition and improvisation, with an emphasis on different genres and techniques. The student plays prima vista in different styles, genres and notations (solo; accompanying singers in songs and arias, accompanying other instrumentalists, etc...).

Further information

  • assessment
    Exam with grade E
  • level
    Intermediate, Advanced, Expert
  • Completed Semester
    Semester 1-4 from Master
  • How many semesters does the course last?
  • hours per week
  • Link of the course
  • Target group of course
    Instrumentalists, advanced
  • credits
  • Type of Course
    Seminar, Practice
  • Degree Level
  • e-learning-elements
    webpage with video, audio - possibly max/msp in the future
  • Course
  • students #
    15-25 students
  • Hours per year
    ca. 30
    Rudolph Konrad - Kompendium der Klavier-improvisation Lieven Strobbe - Tonal Tools Several books on Partimento (Gjerdingen, Sanguinetti,...) Alan Belkin - Musical Composition - Art & Craft
  • evaluation grid
  • evaluation grid
    and document


Joost Van Kerkhoven

current position

Teacher/Head of Music Theory


Royal Conservatoire Antwerp

Be a part of our european project !

This European project (KA 203 Strategic Partnership) created by Salvatore Gioveni promotes cross-border collaboration in the field of Music Theory through sharing knowledge and transferring pedagogical innovation. It thus responds to a lack of centralised source and framework to deepen reflection by means of cross-disciplinary study at European and international level.

There is a significant wealth of educational practices from one country to another in this sector, especially in terms of harmonic musical notation and analysis. However, HMEI's are facing the nonexistence of a European network for pedagogical staff in Music Theory so far. To improve the situation, the project will among other things develop several intellectual outputs such as Online Platform (IO 1), an EU Bibliography (IO 2), a Repository Courses (IO 3), a Multilingual Glossary (IO 4) and an Exchange Online Learning Platform.

Besides the Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles as leader and manager of the project, the following partner institutions are involved: Music Academy S. Moniuszki Gdańsk (Gdańsk, Poland), F. Liszt Academy of Music Budapest (Budapest, Hungary), Estonian Academy for Music and Theatre (Tallinn, Estonia), HfMTh "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" (Leipzig, Germany).

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