Final Conference of the Project at Akademia Muzyczna im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku
The final conference of the HarMA+ will aim to present the 4 intellectual outputs developed, as well as the results produced during the implementation of the project, including the results of the intensive program and of the training week for staff.
The target audience for this conference are the teachers of music theory courses from higher music education institutions in Europe, in particular those targeted by the development of IO2 and IO3.
Giving the high demand for this kind of event and based on the experience of the seminar organised in Brussels in 2018 we plan to gather at least 100 participants from different European countries.
Programme will be based on Topic Specific Talk and results of the whole project:
- Opening key-note with introduction to the theme, programme and objectives.
- Presentation of the project and its results, including the 4 intellectual productions and the process that was followed to develop them.
- Specific interactive workshop on the platform (IO1), it’s content and the different tools included.
- Sessions focusing on practical issues in music theory courses
- Workshop on eLearning components (specific theme to be chosen after the analysis of IO3)
- Workshop on future collaborations within the music theory community to continue its internationalisation
- Conclusions and closure.
Minutes and conclusions of the conference have been developed and sent out to all participants.
As a result of a deep impact through international participants in their own pedagogical teaching practice competences, we’ve published a “Comparative Harmony Analysis Teaching Methods“. It was a huge work of collating teaching practices in EU, and it was an inter-partners work lead and published by Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk, Poland (out of pre-requirements in the application but quite without any doubts mandatory task for music theorists)