The training week (C1 – Short-term joint staff training events – Music theory courses in Europe) for Partner’s staff targets music theory teachers of the partners, having a speciality in the subjects detailed hereunder, in the programme of the training week. We ambition to gather a group
of 15 teachers to participate into this training week, sharing practices and methodologies and develop our knowledge on music theory specificities detailed in the programme.
The training will have a threefold objective for the participating teachers:
- Train them to new pedagogical practices and methodologies on specific subjects;
- Train them to resources available on the online exchange platform (IO1);
- Foster the interest to exchange with European colleagues on the subject taught.
The training is last 5 days and the programme was developed to ensure a balanced involvement of several partners participating into the activity. As a consequence several different partners will take in charge the content of 1 day during the training. The activities are a mixed between theoretical presentations, workshop on new pedagogical methodology and job-shadowing activity of German teachers. We will also build the programme content and the exchange of knowledge on the basis of IO3’s content.
The programme’s structure has been designed as follow:
- Day 1: introduction with presentation of the project and the content of the outputs. Connection between the participants and presentation of the characteristics of the different
institutions involved (Bruxelles and Germany); - Day 2: Thematic covered is: introducing and comparing different traditions of form analysis ; atonal solfeggio and ear training, integrated study of the Harmony and Solfeggio.
Workshop on practices and teaching methodologies on these themes. Job-shadowing activity. (Estonia); - Day 3: Thematic covered is: history of music theory, performance (instrumental) in music theory education and solmisation in harmony education. Workshop on teaching
methodologies on these themes. Job-shadowing activity. (Hungary); - Day 4: Thematic covered is: different methods of Solfège (for example French, German, Eastern European), music theory and national traditions, re-introducing historical practices
into today’s music theory training, theoretical approaches to 20th century music, links to instrumental practice (improvisation, accompaniment of different styles of songs, figured bass, Partimento etc.). Methods of composing and improvising in different styles of 16th-20th century music including aspects of analysis (esp form and harmony). Workshop on practices and teaching methodologies on these themes. Job-shadowing activity (Germany); - Day 5: Finalisation of the discussions, follow-up activities to be planned to ensure the transfer of the training’s content into our practices (sharing material and follow-up conference call with the teacher in charge to support the transfer), conclusion and wrap-up.
Schedule and Programme of this C1 – Short-term joint staff training events – Music theory courses in Europe: sharing practices and methodologies in Leipzig is available here and some pictures here !