Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
Music theory courses in Europe:
transnational workshops for students.

The intensive programme has gather a group of 16 students in presence and 2 students online coming from the different partner institutions with the objective of experimenting, transferring and apply some contents of the project together with them. It will be host by the Estonian partner who will provide relevant support in terms of content and practical aspects, based on their long experience in welcoming Erasmus students.

The student’s week has several objectives:

  • Give the students the opportunity to learn and share knowledge with peers from other countries on a same subject;
  • Practice other ways of learning music theory courses;
  • Compare with other students music theory methodologies.

The intensive programme is designed in 5 days and its programme was developed to ensure a diversity of activities for the students: a mix between theoretical presentations, workshops and
music theory practice is foreseen. The groups for the workshop will be composed of students coming from different countries to emphasise the transnational dimension of the activity.

The content of the activities for students will be based on the different partner’s knowledge and practices but also on the analysis of the music courses theory content already collected in the framework of IO3. We will analyse the feasibility of having short video conference sessions with music theory teachers from other institutions having developed high interest content in link with each day’s theme.

The programme’s structure has been designed as follow:

  • Day 1, launch of the week: get to know each other, ice-breaking activities, introduction with presentation of the project and the content of the outputs, presentation of the
    characteristics of the different institutions involved, presentation of the objectives of the intensive programme;
  • Day 2, historical aspects: history of musical analysis methods, history of musical writing illustrated by concrete examples, 19th century harmonies. Workshops with students on these
  • Day 3, practising music theory subjects: presentation of different type of exercises by students and organisation of workshops to practice them. Under the supervision of their teacher, each national team of students prepares one exercise on one of the themes identified (harmony, solfeggio, ear training, rhythm skills);
  • Day 4, analysis: harmony analysis with specific attention given to various traditions, objectives and assessment systems. Workshop on formal analysis of individual form and genres;
  • Day 5, conclusions: continuation of the workshops, evaluation and feedback from the different participants (students and teachers), follow-up activities foreseen, conclusions and

The students selected for this programme will all be coming from music theory department of each partner.

Programme of this C2 – Intensive programmes for higher education learners in Tallinn is available here and also some pictures here !

Be a part of our european project !

This European project (KA 203 Strategic Partnership) created by Salvatore Gioveni promotes cross-border collaboration in the field of Music Theory through sharing knowledge and transferring pedagogical innovation. It thus responds to a lack of centralised source and framework to deepen reflection by means of cross-disciplinary study at European and international level.

There is a significant wealth of educational practices from one country to another in this sector, especially in terms of harmonic musical notation and analysis. However, HMEI's are facing the nonexistence of a European network for pedagogical staff in Music Theory so far. To improve the situation, the project will among other things develop several intellectual outputs such as Online Platform (IO 1), an EU Bibliography (IO 2), a Repository Courses (IO 3), a Multilingual Glossary (IO 4) and an Exchange Online Learning Platform.

Besides the Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles as leader and manager of the project, the following partner institutions are involved: Music Academy S. Moniuszki Gdańsk (Gdańsk, Poland), F. Liszt Academy of Music Budapest (Budapest, Hungary), Estonian Academy for Music and Theatre (Tallinn, Estonia), HfMTh "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" (Leipzig, Germany).

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