Metodologies d’anàlisi musical

Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya
All sorts of musical styles are analysed for all sorts of undergraduate beginners.
Basic competency in the analysis of different musical styles, including both formal analysis and expressive meanings.

Further information

  • assessment
    Comprehensive exam CE , Other (1) Weekly assessment 30%, 2) Theoretical readings 20%, 3) Own presentation 20%, 4) Final Journal 30%)
  • level
  • Completed Semester
    First and Second Semester
  • How many semesters does the course last?
  • hours per week
  • Link of the course
  • Target group of course
    Instrumentalists, beginner
    Music theory students, beginner
  • credits
  • Type of Course
  • Degree Level
  • e-learning-elements
  • Course
  • students #
    15-25 students
  • Hours per year
    • Kofi AGAWU, Music as discourse, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008
    • Byron ALMÉN i Edward PEARSALL (a cura de), Approaches to Meaning in Music. Indiana University Press: Bloomington i Indianapolis 2006
    • Dietrich BARTEL, Musica Poetica. Musical-Rhetorical Figures in German Baroque Music. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln i Londres 1997. Original alemany: Handbuch der musikalischen Figurenlehre. 4a ed. revisada: Laaber, Regensburg 1997
    • Benet CASABLANCAS, El humor en la música. Broma, parodia e ironía. Edition Reichenberger: Kassel i Berlín 2000
    • Ferruccio CIVRA, Musica poetica. Introduzione alla retorica musicale. UTET Libreria: Torí 1991
    • Nicholas COOK, A Guide to Musical Analysis. Oxford
    • Joan GRIMALT, La música de Gustav Mahler. Una guia d'audició. Ed. Duxelm: Barcelona 2012
    • Joan GRIMALT, Música i sentits. Duxelm: Barcelona 2014.
  • evaluation grid
  • evaluation grid
    and document


Joan Grimalt

current position

Professor of Music Analysis and Analysis Workshop


Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya


Be a part of our european project !

This European project (KA 203 Strategic Partnership) created by Salvatore Gioveni promotes cross-border collaboration in the field of Music Theory through sharing knowledge and transferring pedagogical innovation. It thus responds to a lack of centralised source and framework to deepen reflection by means of cross-disciplinary study at European and international level.

There is a significant wealth of educational practices from one country to another in this sector, especially in terms of harmonic musical notation and analysis. However, HMEI's are facing the nonexistence of a European network for pedagogical staff in Music Theory so far. To improve the situation, the project will among other things develop several intellectual outputs such as Online Platform (IO 1), an EU Bibliography (IO 2), a Repository Courses (IO 3), a Multilingual Glossary (IO 4) and an Exchange Online Learning Platform.

Besides the Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles as leader and manager of the project, the following partner institutions are involved: Music Academy S. Moniuszki Gdańsk (Gdańsk, Poland), F. Liszt Academy of Music Budapest (Budapest, Hungary), Estonian Academy for Music and Theatre (Tallinn, Estonia), HfMTh "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" (Leipzig, Germany).

Our partners

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