Theories and Techniques of Harmony 1-2
Conservatorio di Musica "G. Martucci"
- Basics of diatonic harmony. Structural vs. linear harmonic progressions: distinction among cadential, prolongation, and sequential harmonic patterns
- Relationship between harmony and musical form: techniques of phrase extension and expansion Harmonic/linear analysis
- Elements of chromatic harmony
- Rhythmic and Harmonic figurations
- Uses of mixture
- Neapolitan and augmented sixth chords
- Diatonic and Chromatic Sequences
- Applied dominants, tonicization, and modulation
- Harmonic/linear analysis
- to realize basses (with and without figures) and to harmonize melodies in binary and ternary forms both in choral and keyboard styles;
- to compose simply musical themes and to extend or expand them;
- to analyze binary and ternary forms using a harmonic/linear perspective.